Practical Solutions
Inspiration for the Language
Our modern Health Care System is one which has been greatly improved during the past 30 years, but still has some major issues to resolve. According to a survey done by BMJ Quality & Safety[1] published by CBS News, approximately 12 million americans experience a misdiagnosis, yearly. That number can be transformed into 1 out of 20 patients. Even though that 12 million figure is relatively small, as it only accounts for 5% of patients, it is still a number that should be minimized. As if it were not bad enough, misdiagnosis usually leads to a process of mistreatment, which has the potential to further harm a sick patient.
The biggest factor leading up to a misdiagnosis is human error. The way diagnosis works, is one in which almost all the work is done by the physician; the physician receives a series of clues called symptoms, and using their knowledge, they narrow down what illness it might potentially be. We believe that by reducing the amount of work the physician does, and automating it, the percentage of misdiagnosis among patients can be drastically reduced. Also, by automating certain aspects of health care, hospitals will be able to increase their operational efficiency, and further reduce operational costs by being able to do more, with less people. This, and for other reasons that will later be explained, is why we are proposing the creation of CARE. By making the diagnosis process more accurate, we can ensure the physical and emotional, well-being of all of our patients and the better operation of our hospitals.
The Possibilities Are Endless
Easy to use: Language is clear to understand, which would mean high readability for code written in this language.
Simple Data management for patients.
Ability to narrow down and help identify the potential causes of a patient’s illnesses.
Ability to create a fair priority queue for E.R patients, based on their current symptoms and conditions.
Open sourced: Source code would be readily available to all. This would mean bugs and other exploits could be quickly identified and fixed thanks to the community’s support and involvement. This would allow this language to benefit from Python’s large, established community by monitoring feedback to quickly identify and fix bugs or other exploits, and to facilitate producing overall improvements to the language.
Proper documentation: A well documented public API for programmers to easily access at any time.
Cross platform functionality: The language can run on a variety of platforms, such as Windows, Mac, or Linux.
Auto-Complete for key word frases
How to Use the Language
API Documentation
To create a patient simply write the patient's name followed by .create()
ex Angel.create()
To remove a patient simply write the patient's name followed by .remove
ex Angel.remove()
To add a symptom: use the patient's name then use .has() with symptom
ex: Angel.has(fever)
To view list of symptoms: use the keyword "Symptom" ex: CARE >> symptom
To list a patient's symptom's use .list() ex: Angel.list()
To auto diagnose patient simply write the patient's name followed by .diagnose()
ex: Angel.diagnose()
To define your own illnesses simply write ailment(ILLNESS).create()
ex: ailment(flu).create()
To add symtpoms to your defined illness write ailment(ILLNESS).add(SYMPTOM)
ex: ailment(flu).add(fever)
To add patient to queue write the keyword QUEUE followed by the patient's name
ex: queue(Angel)
To review a patient and remove from queue use the attend keyword
ex: attend()
Demo Video
Demo Language Care 2.0
Language Care Demo
Instructions on How to Download and Run Care
After you have downloaded the zip file
Extract it to the any directory you would like.
Afterwards go to the command line.
Use "pip install prompt_toolkit" to get the necessary tools.
Then go to directory that contains the Care file in the command line.
Finally write "python -m CARE.care" to run the program within the terminal.